About us

Our History

Grace In Action Ministry derived from a desire to serve the surrounding community and the world at large. Its birthplace, Church of Grace, located in Portland, OR was founded in 2016. The congregation saw a dire need to serve those that are outside the church walls and those that have life-controlling problems. With the ever-growing drug and alcohol addiction epidemic, the church set out to create a ministry that would confront those issues.

At this point, we have a recovery center open for men who are seeking to find an answer for the issues that they face in life. This center is not only limited to individuals with substance abuse but it is also for those who want radical change in their life. It is a place for everyone who wants to find God and build a relationship with Him.

In the future, we hope to open more recovery centers in the U.S. and many centers around the globe. We are not only limiting ourselves to recovery centers but we have a vision to open churches and other charitable organizations. Our desire is for the gospel to be spread around the world and for lives to be restored!

Mission Statement

We strive to help those who have life-controlling problems. This can be people who have drug, alcohol, or various other addictions. We focus on incorporating the aspects of spirit, soul, and body in helping the individual recover. Our priority is not to help the individual get rid of their life-controlling problem but to help them fall in love with God and get to know him

How Do We Accomplish This?

Our mission is built upon the teachings of Jesus Christ and the application of those teachings in the life of an individual. We focus on the spiritual wellbeing of the individual and their maturation in Christ. With such an emphasis, we believe that the individual will begin to discover the beauty of having a relationship with Christ. Not only that but they will be able to find the answers to life’s most challenging questions

Once an individual has built a relationship with Christ, they will begin to receive inner healing and restoration. The internal pain that they may live with and the scars that were brought upon them will find their resolution in Christ. They will find a way to break free from depression, guilt, sorrow, unforgivenes, anxiety, and fear.

We believe that for an individual to receive full recovery they need to go through a 9-month recovery program. The first 6 months consist of an in-depth study of a biblical curriculum, learning life skills, counseling, and personal growth. The last 3 months consist of hands on practical ministry. The student may be sent somewhere around the globe for a mission’s trip or they might stay local to minister to the local population. However, depending on the needs of the student, program length may be adjusted to meet demands.


01. How long is the program?

Our program is developed to be completed in 9 months, but this will depend on the needs of each individual. It may be extended or shortened.

02. How much does it cost?

Costs vary. The deposit fee is $500. We provide some support to low income families and individuals who are unable to pay the full cost of the program.

03. Do you have financial assistance available?

There are scholarships available per request and the future program participant is required to write a statement about their current situation and their desire for change.

04. Can family come visit?

The family is welcome to visit the center after the first 30 days. Before the family can visit, the participant needs to fill out Visit Authorization Form and it needs to be approved by program director.

05. Can I leave before program ends and get the money back?

In most cases the deposit fees are non-refundable. The intake coordinator will go over this information more thoroughly.

06. What makes your program special?

Grace in Action is a place that current residents call home. The environment is warm, caring, trusting, and positive. The main focus of our curriculum is not abstinence from substances, but for program participants to meet Christ and to learn to be led by the Holy Spirit. We know that when people meet Christ as their father and savior their life changes forever. These changed individuals become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

07. Can I work and be in the program?

Unfortunately, program participants are unable to be in the program and work due to the intensity of our curriculum. This program will provide volunteering opportunities and skills training.

08. Is this program for adults or teens?

This program is currently intended for individuals of age 18 and older.

09. Is this a typical rehabilitation facility (medical model)?

Grace in Action is not a typical rehabilitation facility. The program is based on a Christian recovery model. We teach biblical principles, rely on the Holy Spirit and we motivate people for change through counseling. Our approach is based on a spiritual perspective in order to break the cycle of addiction.

10. What are the steps I need to take to be accepted into the program?

In order for this program to be effective the first step is to desire change. The next step is to contact our administrator, Olga Boltenkov via email. Step three you will receive an email with basic description of the program, qualifications that need to be met before entering the program and application that needs to be completed

11. Do you have female recovery center?

No, but our goal is to open one in the near future.

12. Is there a center for mothers and children?

No, but our goal is to open one in near future.

13. Is Grace in Action lock down facility?

No, we are not operating as a medical model therefore, the individual has the right to leave when they want to. The staff will counsel and encourage the individual to stay, but the ultimate decision is made by the program participant. Thus it is very important that the future program participant desires change so that this situation can be avoided.

14. If I leave the program can I restart it?

The decision will be made by the board of directors. Grace in Action has a policy and it is proposed in the intake packet. If the program participant comes back within the same year, the deposit is waived.